Events & Ads

Whether working on a set, coordinating an in-house production, or running an event, I was always over the moon while doing it. The stress of unexpected problems that needed to be quickly resolved was always worth the final results of a successful event or a spectacular advert.

All of these were created during my time at Attard & Co. Even when I was the Digital Marketing Executive, everyone within our small marketing team had their role in events and adverts.

Gato Negro Rooftop Party

The Gato Negro Rooftop parties were free events for the public, whilst for us it was a means to promote the brand and create an advert out of it. A lot of effort was put into these events, with unique games and decorations created specifically for the event.

Fiorucci Advert

Some secrets are tastier than others.

After many script amendments, cast selection, picking the right venue & many takes later… the Fiorucci advert was complete. One which was an incredible experience to work on and the final result was more than satisfactory.

La Molisana Recipes

Team work at its best! Creating a recipe, product preparation, filming, editing and finally posting. These recipes for the La Molisana Facebook page were made from scratch by the team; working together to create an easy to follow recipe video to promote the brand.

Sibtek Collaborations

Working in collaboration with other businesses was something very common in my previous role. These adverts made in collaboration with Sibtek for Latteria Soresina Grana Padano and Sacla’ were a joint effort; creating the script, product display, filming & editing and finally publishing. They were posted on Facebook and also shown on Television.